Find out what we can do for you regarding your companies Social Media Aggregate Marketing!

Trusted Experience, Proven Service, Social Media Management; the new world of investing priorities!
Following the market with great excitement and due diligence. We look at getting your message out and manage your companies social media content as well as put out feelers. Wonder why your stock is down even with good PR, we verify “the buzz” and if shorters are knocking your stock in chatrooms, groups etc across social media, we extend our reach across multiple platforms, you would be surprised at what we find.
Servicing the world to make sure your needs are met, with social media advertising!
With the rise of online retail investors in 2020, social media became a hub of the go to money making machine, we can see it clearly with meme stocks putting short companies on the chopping block, increase wealth in cryptos, NFT’s and Metaverse, we utilize the new way of investing education/information with our YouTube, Spotify, Apple podcast, Linked’in, Rumble, Twitter, GETTR, Parley, Clubhouse, Twitch, to name a few…and create articles, we also have our own in house delivery system, and are able to get the word out to investing companies and banks through our email list and other methods and use our worldwide resource boots on the ground in Australia, Germany, Montreal, Toronto and other select locations.
Investigate Corporate Needs
Corporate Consulting
Social Media Verification
YouTube Verification
Articles and Website Verification
IR/Public Relations Division
Marketing Strategies
Social Media Aggregate Marketing for Branding Purposes!
This Involves Branding and can only be achieved through a yearly contract!
Marketing and Tagging
We will interview the CEO, do updates, have live interviews in chatrooms, Discord or Twitters Spaces, create Video’s on YOUTUBE with Podcasts on Spotify and Apple* and we Create Article Content to keep the exposure going through every major social media platform left or right, our goal is mass exposure to find investors. It doesn’t end there, our marketing team continues the work, there’s also the trending ad placements for your company and whispers, great for Mass Exposure!
Exclusive Delivery Method!
We took one full year to create a delivery method that is able to reach a vast audience spanning all our Social Media Platforms with Global reach! Our methodology is exposure, we are able to get the word to trending investment socialites, major investment companies and banks.
What we can do for you
- Investigate Corporate Needs Division, (making sure your money is well spent on external needs)
- Investor/Public Relations Division
- Corporate Website Design and Updates.
- Website News Updates.
- We Market Your Company to third party interests, for example, brokers, investment bankers, family offices, portfolio managers, etc…
- Social Media Group Creation and Management
- Social Media Presence and Exposure
- Social Media Cleanup and Investors Pulse
- Reputation Verification and Historical Content
- Receive Calls for the Company
- Eyes on the Competition
- E-mail List and E-blast
- Article Placement
- YouTube Video’s
- Spotify and Apple Podcasts
- CryptoCurrency, MetaVerse and NFT
- Exclusive Delivery Method
- Live International Radio Station (Spaces)
- Telegram World Wide Community and Exclusive Content
- Exposure to Analysts
- We try to be the left hand man of the CEO
Links provided at the top of the page!
for our Social Media Marketing/Management Contracts for your Company, let us see what we can do for you.
For immediate service:
Business Number: (514)295-5469 or Email us at: [email protected]