Oh man, what a year this has been, drilling has now started at the Mirage project and investors are alive and well, as my DM’s just don’t stop, there is HOPE in the air.
Why is there so much excitement, why is there so much HOPE, well as a shareholder I must say it’s because of interviews with CEO Killian Charles informing of us of what they are seeing at the Mirage project site, my DM’s in Telegram is filled with HOPE for a better life for their children if Brunswick Exploration hits a PMET size or better, this article is inspired by those DM’s and my own experience, this is my blog format and not a paid for article by BRW nor has the CEO verified it.
So let’s get to what is making us all so very excited and here’s the first statement that has truly peaked our imaginations.
Join our Telegram site, its free for the first 200 people and we are nearly at our objective.
CEO Killian Charles, “the boulders that were identified, the size of them, the sheer richness of the mineralization, its astounding to see metric scale like, boulders the size of a small house, just absolutely filled with spodumene, … one of the GEO’s laughing and say, well we’re going to have to find a new name for a rock that’s just, you know 100% spodumene, I can’t nearly see any other minerals in some of these things” ; this statement was made while being interviewed on TJE Interview with CEO Killian Charles, watch here for that video.
Matthew Gordon from Crux Investors says “…but, its not a Mirage, its a real discovery…” whereas Killian Charles of Brunswick states, “…in the span of about two weeks our teams uncovered hundreds of spodumene filled boulders…found the potential source of these boulders, some of these sources are quite sizeable up to 80 metres width…this is going to be a core asset for Brunswick Exploration and one that’s going to drive a lot of value. (00:35 to 01:37)
I mean how can that not make investors start jumping for the sky, I’ve been doing this for nearly 5 years now and the excitement is unbearable, its like waiting on Neo Lithiums CEO Waldo Perez to bring us even better news with every interview…but honestly this interview by Crux investors is a good one, we have so much new information and such exciting news on the Mirage project to ignore this interview is just not wise, Matthew Gordon did an excellent job and Killian Charles is a great communicator.

Too make matter even more nuts, after this insane interview, which made me go out and take a loan, I was even more excited to hear that Killian went to Mirage, which of course gets the brain racing even more, why go to Mirage, to see what….grass….I think not, it was something he had to see with his own eyes, this is my opinion of course and its my blog and everyone is free to get off the site and ignore all this, but I can’t because if what is being said about the sheer size of these dikes is that impressive, how can we just walk away and not keep a serious eye on the company or take a small position, naturally I would never insinuate or tell anyone what to do, that’s up to you the reader to do your own research and come up to your own conclusions.
!Everyone is waiting on the next PMET!
I mean the CEO of Brunswick has stated, “…the dykes which are themselves filled with spodumene stretch over 3 kilometres and then we have the same thing seen in the boulders…have to remember this is a rather large property, we have another 12 kilometres or property to explore…(01:59 to 02:17)….”…there’s a number of World discoveries that still have to be made and ultimately what drives world discoveries is width and length of these dikes and that’s what we’re seeing already at mirage, we’re seeing some very large dikes as I mentioned up to 80 metres but a number of them 20, 25 , 40, 50 all along the…3 kilometres of strike length…it has everything that you want to really drive forward and you-know find something of economic interest, not saying its a world class discovery, its still too early but uh the odds get better every day“(03:32 to 04:16).
To make matters more interesting we did get an update after this interview and CEO Killian Charles is right, it does get better, check out why I say better, in the interview with Crux Investors, the drill campaign at Mirage was supposed to be 4,000 metre drill but it changed and became a phase one 26 hole, 5,000 metre drill campaign, on the six widest spodumene bearing pegmatites and that’s not all, what makes this even better is what they are seeing now, from the Brunswicks press release:
“the Company wishes to announce that further prospecting has identified additional spodumene-bearing outcrops approximately 4.5 kilometres northeast of the center of previously defined dyke field. The trend of mineralized dykes now extends for about 6 kilometres with the boulder field extending for an additional 2.7 kilometres to the southwest. Both the extent of the outcrops and boulder train remain open in all directions.”
Lithium-bearing outcrops now extend across six kilometres
Several new outcrops have been identified in the existing dyke field exhibiting similar characteristics to known dykes in respect to mineralogy, spodumene concentration and large crystal sizes. The main dyke field now covers an area measuring approximately 2700 by 850 metres. Nearly all the outcrops mapped to date remain open in all directions with few observed contacts with host basalts.
The additional discovery of a new dyke three kilometres to the northeast reinforces the lithium prospectivity of Mirage. This dyke has an apparent strike length of at least 175 meters. The width of the dyke remains unknown at this time as the exposure is limited. In addition, other spodumene-mineralized pegmatite boulders have been found nearly 2 kilometres west of the main boulder train suggesting additional sources exist further to the west. In total, lithium mineralization on the Mirage Project has been observed over a total distance of 8.7 kilometres, inclusive of the boulder field. The latter is now the object of detailed prospecting in an effort to located new spodumene-bearing outcrops further to the southwest of the main dyke field.” for more on the article please click here
But lets get back to the crux investor interview, there is one question that needed to be answered and the question was, why did Brunswick buy up the land around Mirage, I believe the response to be favourable, here’s what CEO Killian Charles had to say, “…oh absolutely look and we believe and that’s part of one of the reasons why we we consolidated as much as we could around Mirage, um, because we do believe its an asset that is going – that has a lot of potential to be sizeable and so from that perspective we saw, like look we need to give ourselves a little bit more breathing room and expand from where we are, just so that we’re in better control of our destiny…”
Brunswick is now drilling, this is PHASE ONE, 2 choppers, 2 drill rigs, and drilling is a minimum of 5,000 metres for this first phase which has already begun, so let’s throw a bag of un-popped popcorn into the microwave, sit our asses down, chowing on that popped popcorn anxiously awaiting the climax; the drill results, as we pray to our own Gods that Hope will become Reality!

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